This is a blog. Yes indeed, a blog. Believe that.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Romantacism of an Artist

How does one value a person? This is the question that i have been thinking these past few days. Is it how intelligent they are? How fast they run? How good they look? What does the world value in people? Morals? Loyalty? In the world today it would seem morals and loyalty are of little value; People should be cut-throat if they want to get ahead. I sit here thinking as a teenager how I am valued, Who am i valued by? Do people really think that much of me? Am i of as much value as the next fool in line who thinks that they are ever going to make a difference? Now my thinking strays from value to plain significance. What are we to the world? At school i constantly hear teachers talking of how everyone is special and talented yet sometimes i wonder. I look around and see many people who are not really that talented and i wonder what will become of them? Will they leave school and instantly be sucked into the daily grind, another 9 to 5'er, never sad but never truly happy? Will that happen to me? I myself dream of being a musician, someone who writes music that they love and people love. To tour with my band and see the world is my dream and that perhaps somewhere my music is speaking to people. I understand that it will be hard, i was never gifted a music (I failed music every 4 years in a row) nor did I ever care much for it til now. Now music is my life and to think of doing something other than music is something i can't even begin to imagine. People tell me that its just youthful optimism that says I can live this dream, that one day I'm going to have to give it up and go to some office job and be an average Joey. I DON'T WANT THAT! I am going to fight for this! I am going to make it! But then your personal bastard reminds you hey you aren't that good, I mean come on, I type in guitar on you tube and i can see 1000's play guitar more proficiently than you, what makes you so special eh? What does make me so special? Hell, am I even that special? Probably not.. fuck... but hey you know what i'm going to do? I'm going to try. Hell, i'll do more than try, i'll make it, whether you say i can or not all you skeptic bastards out there, you can be lord yourself up with your critiquing but guess what? One day you'll be sitting at home, my friend, you'll be sitting in your unextrodinary home, just getting back from your unextrodinary job, living your unextrodinary life and you'll turn on the t.v. or maybe the radio and guess who'll be there? Guess who that person living the extraodinary will be? That person will be me.


This blog is the drain pipe in a metaphorical way. To me it is where i can release the ideas that i come up with and record them lest they be forgotten. Don't expect much.