This is a blog. Yes indeed, a blog. Believe that.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello Friends

Gotta get up. Gotta get down. Got be cool. Gotta sleep 'round.
Gotta be nice. Gotta get clean. Gotta be right. Gotta be mean.

You are what I am and we are what we are. Andrew, I am. Andrew is tired in the 3rd person.

Oh God, she can't be dead...

Hello again, this is Andrew here reaching out to you through the world wide web.
This is another of those blogs and here i am displaying what could be a condescending, frivolous attitude to my blog. I notice many people do it. Its obviously a defense mechanism. Of course we wouldn't want to actually appear to care about anything now would we? Because we all know that when we care we get hurt. So we tippity-tap-tap typo on our keyboards our pseudo-deep thinking with our pretense of oh-so-sophistication, to-cool-for-school attitude.
Just like I'm doing now.
Haha, Andrew, that was deep, pat on the back for Andrew, everybody laughs.

I feel Apathy. Apathy for those who don't know is like self pity. The kind of self pity that saps the energy from your bones and leaves you dry. It takes colour from your eyes and leaves you grey. It puts the world through a bad copy machine so you get that crappy black and white speckled picture instead of the vibrancy that other people see.

Oh aren't I complex.

there it goes again. Cynicism. making sure you understand that i don't actually care. making sure you understand i don't actualy care. making sure you understand i don't actually care.

You can't hurt me.

"Oh i forgot to ask, how did you feel after they named that place in London after you? You know, Prickadily circus?"

I said that to some cock on the bus today as i was getting off...

I felt rather pleased with myself.

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